Confession time: I read in the bathroom. I think most people do, honestly, but not everyone is willing to admit it. So why am I confessing this? Today's ongoing books are about my 'Bathroom Books'.
4000 of Uppity Women: As the title alludes, this is about women throughout history. Typically only 2-3 pages per woman, which makes it a perfect bathroom book!
Weird Encounters: True Tales of Haunted Places: Another book with only a few pages per place, making it another great bathroom book. I've really just begun this book, but scary stories are never a bad thing.
The Whistling Season: This is a novel, not short stories, it's more of a bathtub book, but I don't take baths....Anyway. I really enjoy the parts of the book that tell of the family living on the Montana prarie. Those parts remind me of the Little House on the Prarie books, which I love. However, some parts are told from later in the protagonists life and I don't find them as enjoyable yet. I have not gotten to the point where these two stories blend together, and I really hope they do.
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