Monday, January 28, 2013

Ongoing Books: Part 1

I'm one of those people that read multiple books at the same time.  Often people ask how do you keep the stories straight?  My response:  how can you not?  With the variety of books I read, it's pretty easy to not confuse them.

The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:  This is all 5 of the books in one edition.  Technically, I've finished the first book and have started the second.  However, since it's all together, Goodreads counts it as 1 book.  So far, I do find this book rather amusing, but it seems to be mostly puns and one-liners.  It feels like each paragraph is a set up for the next joke, but I do see why this book is so popular.

The Three Musketeers:  10% done with this one.  The first of my 'classics'.  I have always found the classics to be a bit challenging, due to the antiquated language used.  Not to say that I don't understand what's being said, but as they are more flowery with words and not at all how I speak or what I typically read, I am much slower at getting through them, than say, a Stephen King novel.  However, I have found a few amusing passages that I'd like to share with you.  (Again, this is a kindle edition, so locations not page numbers are what I have to reference.)

Location 775:
How do I know that this is not his Eminence who has honored you with the commission to procure my head?  Now, I entertain a ridiculous partiality for my head, it seems to suit my sholders so correctly.  I wish to kill you quietly in a snug, remote place, where you will not be able to boast of your death to anybody.
Location 901:
...parrying like a man who had the greatest respect for his own epidermis.

Getting Things Done:  I have heard good things about this book, and a co-worker recently mentioned she had trouble with time management.  I suggested we both read this book and have a mini-book club about it, so that we can support each other in improving our work-selves.  I'm only a few pages in, and while I don't recommend reading it on a comfy couch when you haven't had much sleep the night before, so far it seems to be filled with very practical advice.  I hope to make a lot of progress on it this week.

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