Monday, February 11, 2013

Weekly Roundup 1

I have not finished any books this week.  However, I've made progress on a few.

Uppity Women:  About 60% done.  I have finished the Medieval times and started on the Renaissance.  I just finished reading about Catalina de Erauso, who is my favorite woman so far.  I'd never heard of her before, but I think she sounds pretty fascinating.  I'll tell you about her later this week.

Musketeers:  I feel like I did a lot of reading in this book, but I'm still at the very beginning.  Only 16% done so far.  The Musketeers and d'Artagnan have been in 2 fights so far, and d'Artagnan is quite the swordsman.  I'm really enjoying this book so far.

Hitchhiker:  A bit of progress made, I'm almost 1/2 way done.  I do wish there was more information about Trillian, I think she could be my favorite character if I knew more about her.  And honestly, Slartibartfast is the best name ever.

I haven't read any of my other ongoing books this past week, so, no further updates to give is what I'm saying.

How are your reading goals coming along?

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