Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Completely Unproductive

Unfortunately I got the flu last week.  Which resulted in a lot of nothing but naps happening.  Yes, I even missed an entire week of work, which honestly bummed me out.  Taking a week off so I could be in a NyQuil induced haze was not how I planned my first "vacation" of 2013.

Luckily, I am mostly well now and was pleasantly surprised how much I was missed at work.  (Damn right!)

While I have no new books going on, I made great progress on The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy this week.  In fact, I have technically finished book 2 (The Restaurant at the End of the Universe) in the series and have started on book 3 (Life, the Universe and Everything).  I am enjoying it overall, but I do see why a lot of comments on Goodreads don't recommend reading all of them at once.  There is something to be said for letting some things digest. 

I also made a bit of progress on 4000 Years of Uppity Women, and for those of you who have read past posts, don't judge.  It's surprising how many women of note there were in pre-medieval times.  It's a shame that there just isn't more info available on most of them to learn more about them and the lives they led.  Honestly I find it quite surprising there are so many women that were allowed to do or just did the things they did.  I find it kind of amazing that a lot of "ancient" ladies wrote, practiced medicine, were merchants, etc.  I mean, think back to pre-Cleopatra days, have you really heard of any women that weren't concubines, slaves or someone's wife?  Way to kick ass ladies of yore.

That's pretty much all the book progress I've had.  So far at least, this week is shaping up to be a bit more productive!

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